Goby3  3.1.5a
acomms_constants.h File Reference
#include <bitset>
#include <limits>
#include <string>

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 The global namespace for the Goby project.
 Classes and functions pertaining to acoustic communications (acomms) as well as related marine relevant communications links (such as satellite)


constexpr unsigned goby::acomms::BITS_IN_BYTE {8}
constexpr unsigned goby::acomms::NIBS_IN_BYTE {2}
 One hex char is a nibble (4 bits), two nibbles per byte. More...
constexpr int goby::acomms::BROADCAST_ID {0}
 special modem id for the broadcast destination - no one is assigned this address. Analogous to internet protocol address on a subnet More...
constexpr int goby::acomms::QUERY_DESTINATION_ID {-1}
 special modem id used internally to goby-acomms for indicating that the MAC layer (amac) is agnostic to the next destination. The next destination is thus set by the data provider (typically QueueManager or DynamicBuffer) More...
constexpr int goby::acomms::QUERY_SOURCE_ID {-1}
 similar to QUERY_DESTINATION_ID but for the source modem id More...