Goby v2
2 import "goby/moos/protobuf/goby_moos_app.proto";
3 import "goby/moos/protobuf/translator.proto";
4 import "goby/common/protobuf/option_extensions.proto";
6 message pTranslatorConfig
7 {
8  optional GobyMOOSAppConfig common = 1 [
9  (goby.field).description =
10  "Configuration common to all Goby MOOS applications"
11  ]; // see goby_moos_app.proto
13  repeated string load_shared_library = 2
14  [(goby.field).description =
15  "Path to a shared library containing compiled Protobuf files. "
16  "Preferred over load_dccl_proto_file."];
18  repeated string load_proto_file = 3
19  [(goby.field).description =
20  "Path to a Protobuf file. Use load_shared_library when possible."];
22  repeated goby.moos.protobuf.TranslatorEntry translator_entry = 4
23  [(goby.field).description =
24  "Describes how to trigger (generate) a Protobuf message from a "
25  "MOOS "
26  "event and how to re-publish the result"];
28  optional string modem_id_lookup_path = 5 [
29  (goby.field).description =
30  "Path to file containing mapping between modem_id and vehicle name "
31  "& "
32  "type",
33  (goby.field).moos_global = "modem_id_lookup_path"
34  ];
36  repeated string multiplex_create_moos_var = 6 [
37  (goby.field).description =
38  "Specify a MOOS variable that contains one of many TextFormat "
39  "protobuf "
40  "messages which are distinguished by including the Protobuf name "
41  "before the message contents. e.g. \"DSOP_DEPLOY "
42  "DestinationPlatformId: 3 Deploy_Mode: DEPLOY_MODE_RETURN "
43  "Depth_Mode: "
44  "DEPTH_MODE_SINGLE Sonar_Control: SONAR_CONTROL_OFF Sonar_Process: "
45  "SONAR_PROCESS_ON Deploy_Duration: 1800 Deploy_X: 2600 Deploy_Y: "
46  "1500 "
47  "Deploy_Speed: 1.5 Deploy_Depth: 10 Alternate_Depth: 20\""
48  ];
49 }