NETSIM  1.0.0
Vehicle Simulator Connections

Each vehicle simulator connects to the netsim system in two ways:

  1. The acoustic modem driver connects via TCP to an instance of socat which forwards these data to the modem's native interface (serial, TCP, etc.). For example, in the Micro-Modem this is the serial-based NMEA-0183 interface. On the audioserver, ports 62000-62007 are used for this purpose (for up to 8 modems). This interface is exactly as defined by the modem hardware being used, so no further information is included here.
  1. Another process must connect to the netsim_manager directly to send updates on the simulated vehicle's position to the netsim system. This interface is a simple line-based protocol described below.

netsim_manager / simulated vehicle interface

Wire protocol

This interface uses a line-based ASCII protocol with an embedded base-64 encoded Protobuf message:

NETSIM|{ASCII protobuf name}|data (base64 encoded version of encoded Protobuf message)\n

The request Protobuf message, sent from the vehicle simulator, is always netsim::protobuf::NetSimManagerRequest. The response, sent by netsim_manager (the server, by default on port 61999) is always netsim::protobuf::NetSimManagerResponse.

Thus, requests look like:


and responses look like:


The easiest way to implement the client side of the protocol (for the vehicle simulator) is to use the netsim_tcp library and instantiate a netsim::tcp_client:

#include "netsim/tcp/tcp_client.h"
boost::asio::io_service io;
std::shared_ptr<netsim::tcp_client> client(netsim::tcp_client::create(io));
std::string netsim_manager_ip = "";
int netsim_manager_port = 61999;
// connect
client->connect(netsim_manager_ip, netsim_manager_port);
// set a callback to be executed when a response is given
[](const netsim::protobuf::NetSimManagerResponse& t, const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& ep)
std::cout << "Received response from [" << ep << "]: " << t.ShortDebugString() << std::endl;
// regularly send a request, including position data
int request_id = 0;
// ...fetch vehicle data from the vehicle system...
netsim::protobuf::NetSimManagerRequest req;
auto& nav = *req.add_nav();
nav.set_modem_tcp_port(...); // port used to connect to the modem via socat
nav.set_time(...); // time in seconds since UNIX
nav.set_lat(...); // latitude, decimal degrees
nav.set_lon(...); // longitude, decimal degrees
nav.set_depth(...); // depth, meters
nav.set_speed(...); // speed, meters/second
nav.set_heading(...); // true heading, degrees
std::cout << "Sent request (from " << cfg_.node_report_var() << "): " << req.ShortDebugString() << std::endl;

An implementation for the MOOS middleware is given in as iNetSimManager.


The request message sent from the vehicle simulator client is:

message NetSimManagerRequest
required int32 id = 1;
repeated NavUpdate nav = 2;
repeated ReceiveStats stats = 3;

Each request includes a unique id, a navigation update request (or several: a single client could report position for multiple vehicles), and/or optionally, a receive statistics update push (only implemented for the WHOI Micro-Modem). The stats field is used to update the goby_liaison display, and has no bearing on the performance of netsim itself.


message NetSimManagerResponse
required int32 request_id = 1;
enum Status
required Status status = 2;

The response includes the same id as the request provided, and a status code for the result of the navigation position update request.

These status values mean:

  • UPDATE_ACCEPTED: position update was accepted.
  • UPDATE_FAILED_INVALID_MODEM_TCP_PORT: the tcp port used to index this vehicle is not configured in the netsim_manager configuration (sim_env_pair{}).
  • UPDATE_FAILED_INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESS: the sending IP address is not configured in the netsim_manager configuration (sim_env_pair{}).
  • UPDATE_FAILED_OUT_OF_DEFINED_REGION: the latitude, longitude, or depth given is out of the operation region as defined in the netsim_manager configuration (env_bounds{} for the environment given in the correspoding sim_env_pair{}).