Goby3  3.1.5a
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 syntax = "proto2";
2 import "goby/middleware/protobuf/frontseat.proto";
3 import "goby/middleware/protobuf/frontseat_config.proto";
4 import "goby/protobuf/option_extensions.proto";
5 import "dccl/option_extensions.proto";
7 package goby.middleware.frontseat.protobuf;
9 message IverConfig
10 {
11  required string serial_port = 1
12  [(goby.field).description =
13  "Serial port connected to Iver Remote Helm"];
14  optional uint32 serial_baud = 2 [
15  default = 19200,
16  (goby.field).description = "Serial baud rate for 'serial_port'"
17  ];
18  optional string ntp_serial_port = 3 [
19  (goby.field).description =
20  "If set, write the GPS feed from the Iver to this serial port for NTP to use"
21  ];
22  optional int32 max_pitch_angle_degrees = 4 [
23  default = 45,
24  (goby.field).description =
25  "The maximum pitch that this driver will command (in degrees)"
26  ];
27  required int32 remote_helm_version_major = 5 [
28  (goby.field).description =
29  "Sets the Iver Remote Helm major version that this driver will connect to. Important: Iver Remote Helm changed OMS from feet to meters in major version 5"
30  ];
31  optional uint32 oms_timeout = 6 [
32  default = 5,
33  (dccl.field) = { min: 0 max: 120 },
34  (goby.field).description = "Timeout for $OMS, in seconds."
35  ];
36  message IverModeAssignments {
37  optional FrontSeatState unknown = 1 [default = FRONTSEAT_IDLE];
38  optional FrontSeatState normal = 2 [default = FRONTSEAT_ACCEPTING_COMMANDS];
39  optional FrontSeatState stopped = 3 [default = FRONTSEAT_IDLE];
40  optional FrontSeatState parking = 4 [default = FRONTSEAT_IN_CONTROL];
41  optional FrontSeatState manual_override = 5 [default = FRONTSEAT_ACCEPTING_COMMANDS];
42  optional FrontSeatState manual_parking = 6 [default = FRONTSEAT_ACCEPTING_COMMANDS];
43  optional FrontSeatState servo_mode = 7 [default = FRONTSEAT_ACCEPTING_COMMANDS];
44  optional FrontSeatState mission_mode = 8 [default = FRONTSEAT_ACCEPTING_COMMANDS];
45  }
46  optional IverModeAssignments mode_assignments = 7 [
47  (goby.field).description = "Assignments of mission modes to frontseat states."
48  ];
49 }
51 extend Config
52 {
53  optional IverConfig iver_config = 1003;
54 }